Sunday, June 24, 2012

Back to Eden Film

"Each one of us, whether we like it or not, is utterly and completely dependent on an unseen community, an invisible world... In our Western Greco-Roman compartmentalized fragmented systemized linear reductionist individualized disconnected parts-oriented thinking, we tend to disassociate the seen from the unseen. We do so at our own peril. We are all, every one of us, simply a manifestation of this invisible world."
--Joel Salatin, "Folks, This Ain't Normal," page 108
Some people made this film about mulch and compost. Some of it is kind of duh sort of stuff to us (the homesteader crowd, that is), and I think they're Evangelical Christians (which because I'm not, sort of annoys me), but if you can get past the dogma, there's some good stuff.

Watch it here (it's free), then read the how to section (I'm only recommending the right column on that page, the left column you can take it or leave it). I'm also very fond of their song "To Eden" by Tony and Jenn Hooper for some reason.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Food, Inc

Most of us already know the things in this documentary. After all, wanting to be in control of our food supply is part of what attracted us to this way of life. But if you're as obsessed as I am, you'll watch it anyway.

I like that they don't have a narrator being all authoritative. They just show interviews and in some places use the interviews as a voice-over for the visuals.

Watch the trailer.

Rent it on YouTube. 

Watch it on Movie 2K.

Watch or download it on StageVu. (If you watch it, you'll have to have DivX player. If you download it, it should play on Windows Media Player.)

Buy it on Amazon.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.